Tuesday, September 14, 2010


(This is Part 1 of a 5 part post on setting goals.)
When it comes to health, setting goals is very important.  However, it is easy to make goals and then slowly (or even quickly sometimes) watch them fizzle out.  Let's talk about how we can make more effective goals!  .


S- Specific
M- Measureable
A- Attainable
R- Realistic
T- Time-Oriented

I'm sure we have all heard this goal-setting method at one point in our life, but I think it's definitely worth remembering because it really does work.  Here is a more in-depth explanation of these components with an example of a goal I have made using this strategy (and it worked!).

Specific:  It is easy to say, "I want to be healthier," or "I want to get in shape."  Although these may be good aspirations, they are too vague.  Try answering the following questions to help you be more specific in your goal setting.  This practice will help you identify what you really want to accomplish.
  • who?     Who is involved?
  • what?    What is it that you want to accomplish?
  • why?     Specific purpose, reasons, and benefits of your goal
  • when?   Set a time frame
  • where?  Identify a location
  • how?     Are there any constraints or requirements
 My example: 
  • who?   me
  • what?  I want to run a half-marathon.
  • why?   I want to run more regularly than I am now so that I can improve my cardiovascular endurance, I just feel out of shape.  I feel better when I have a regular exercise program.  I love races, signing up for one will help me stay motivated and stick to my plan.  I have never run that far before, I would feel very accomplished!  It might give me the confidence to run a whole marathon.  I wouldn't mind losing 3 or 4 pounds.  Training would motivate me to eat healthier.  (Really do some soul searching on this one and be honest with yourself). 
  • when?  There is a half-marathon in Moab in March- 5 months from now.
  • how?  I need to sign up for the race.  Training may be difficult during the winter months.  
If there is something you want to work on, try this exercise to help you set a goal.  Use it for any aspect in your life, not just health!  Stay tuned for the next four parts of this post!

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